Good news, I suppose! Since today is the release of The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff in the US, a patch to update our games is too! However in the world of EA, patches also mean that you are taking a chance at possibly having to reinstall your game when something goes wrong. So be cautious – wait awhile and watch the official Sims 3 forum for any feedback left by players.
The game update includes a few new features – mostly giving players the Vehicle Enthusiast trait for those that don’t plan to pick up Fast Lane Stuff. Here’s the breakdown below:
This game update includes:
New Features
- Sims that drive extensively can now develop a relationship with their vehicles. Vehicles can be named once a friendship is formed.
- The Vehicle Enthusiast Trait is now available. Sims with this trait can name their vehicles immediately and develop relationships with them more quickly.
Base Game Updates
- Fixed an issue where ghosts could become stuck in vehicles under certain conditions. Ghosts will now properly exit vehicles after arriving at their destination.
- Nameable items can only be named when they belong to the active household.
World Adventures Updates
- Career titles for Sims visiting Egypt, France and China will now display in the Relationship Panel tooltips.
The Sims 3 Create a World
- Create a World users need to install a new version of The Sims 3 Create a World Tool. Users can find the Create a World page from the “Games” drop down in the site header.
You may download this patch thru the game’s launcher or if you ask nicely, hopefully our kind readers will provide the direct links to the patches in our comments area. Right now, both Oink (Jack Griffiths) and I are working on the new site design…so we’re pretty much booked. However, once this goes live (hopefully within the next two weeks), I’ll be editing all pages and will upload all the patches/tools that I’ve yet to do. Please be patient in this progress. 🙂
Check it out Jud:
Generated with them:
i also hope for an extern link!
thanks 😉
That’s weird. I posted the links twice, but they didn’t showed up. >_<
I guess they need approvation first.
Sorry about that, some instances they detect as spam, others it allows. That’s wordpress for you 🙂
thanks for the links. when i updated stupid launcher only updated the base game and ambitions! also for some reason, i can’t update CAW. Uninstalled CAW then reinstalled it and the launcher had that
uhm, so that means, EA can bring new traits in a patch… i hope we get more…
I’d avoid this one if were you guys. It totally messes up the ‘basegame incompatable’ error even if you only installed the basegame.
oh and also, my copy of every EP and SP and the basegame is legal but i get Invalid File Error when it gets to patching the .exe
thank you soo much aWT!
I see it doesn’t patch real problems like the running bug and the bloody lighting though. FFS, EA.
Ah well, as usual, I’ll be waiting for the AM compatibility update before I let this patch anywhere near my game.
when release crack for all updates???
I don’t deal with cracks here. We don’t support any illegal activity with the game.
TnX a lot
If anyone had problems with this patch as far as saying something about the base game being incompatible and not up-to-date and then having your launcher freeze or something like that just do this…
Insert your base game disc and run launcher. You will be prompted to update. Do so and that is it. Just reinsert your current expansion pack disc and everything will be fine.
i just wanted to say that the sims wiki has created a page for patch 15 and it has different links for each game (different region and digital) i had to use the one for WA and HELS as the actual update didn’t do those.
Thanks for that link bafendo, that was exactly what I needed to fix my game!
Uuuh, the notes mention CAW, but I don’t see a new version when I click the download link on the EA site.
First, I was excited as I saw the title
Then, I read ” However in the world of EA, patches also mean that you are taking a chance at possibly having to reinstall your game when something goes wrong.”, I lost my excitement
I suppose I should download first, update later
i did as it said with CAW and after i updated each game i re-downloaded and installed CAW and with it installed i get that error with the Launcher. had to uninstall to play TS3 again.
Why is that I have the error but I can still play my game fine?
can someone please post a link to the newest CAW tool?
can’t you just get the new CAW from the off. site?
I have a legal digital copy does anyone have advice on how to update it?
@Kaitlyn: use one of the links that are available, either from the ones above, or you can go to the Sims 3 forum and get what ever links you need from there. Just download whatever patches you need and then run them, they will install automatically.
this is the direct link the worlds creation tool if you comment this version and it works thanks …
this is the direct link the worlds creation tool if you comment this version and it works thanks …
How can I download the update for OS X?
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