Simlicious has posted their report from GamesCom 2010 covering The Sims Medieval, The Sims 3 Late Night and The Sims 3 Console. The original articles are in Dutch, but with the (not so good) help from Google Translator, you can read them in English:
What we first got to see was the new world known as Bridgeport. The world looks great but it is not in my opinion. The center is just filled with tall buildings, making it very difficult to view. You have a large bridge in Bridgeport and if you go across that bridge into the hills you will come to the normal houses where many celebrities live. The houses there all have a pool and look very modern. Whether there are empty lots, I have not seen / asked.
There are a lot of clubs in Bridgeport. Some are very exclusive and you have to be of really high status and have many friends to go to them but there are small bars where you can get (non alcoholic) drinks you can drink. Almost all clubs have open and closing times. Sims will eventually go back home when it is closing and you get to see when the club opens again. You also get the possibility to build a club. You can then drop an object that lets you control how exclusive the club (like the bulbs in the tombs of WA) as well as to likely allow you to adjust the opening hours (which we have not seen). Your sims will be able to dance on the table/counter. You also have some new dance moves.
The game revolves primarily on completing quests. At the beginning, you choose a main quest which all other smaller quests related to it. Once you have chosen the main quest you get Quest Points. You choose a small quest. Here you choose the quest who suffer and who will help and what we aim for. You will lose some points off quest. You complete the quest by the king to heal example. It is here that you need a serum makes you’ll have a doctor you need rich. (translation really screwed this article up)
The way of playing xbox360/ps3 is not much change with that of The Sims 2. You have a stick or a jet type things that you can stroll to an action to perform. Would you change sim then you just press triangle (PS3) or Y (Xbox). To map the menu mode, karma Powers, construction mode, press select to open. Use the arrow keys to change your mode of time, with the left joystick to control the jet with the right to control the camera.
I wonder what they mean by this:
“Self Banks
The Sims 2 Night Life you could find yourself sharing with a bank. This may now in The Sims 3 after midnight. They seem to be the same and I just saw a very improved version of the bank Sims 2 glamorous accessories.”
None of that makes any sense to me. Why would you need a bank in the game when sims always have access to all their money? And what does a bank have to do with glamorous accessories?
I think it means bank as in seating booth, same as the sectional boothes you could create in Nightlife in clubs & restaurant.
Also I think the ‘Glamorous Accessories’ is referring to Glamour Life Stuff from TS2, as this also had the modular seating
@ ShortyBoo
Bank = couch
D1mi is right. He meant that you can put pieces of a sectional booth together to create your own couch.
They still look like they did in The Sims 2 (Nightlife). He even saw an improved version of the couch in The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff.
(yes, I’m Dutch)
Oh, ok. I’ve never heard of anyone using the word ‘bank’ for couch so all I could think of was the building where you keep your money, which in the context didn’t make sense.
Probably because it’s Dutch. 😛
Bank (the Dutch word) has two meanings:
– the building where they keep your money
– couch
The google translator chose the first one.