Skyline from The Simmers Club passed along this humorous picture from Kotaku’s ‘Bored on the 4th of July‘ photoshop contest. Love how the fun meter is dropped all the way down to zero!
Skyline from The Simmers Club passed along this humorous picture from Kotaku’s ‘Bored on the 4th of July‘ photoshop contest. Love how the fun meter is dropped all the way down to zero!
Hahaha so funny, I love it ! 😛
I almost forgot how the UI in TS2 looks like… I think it’s better then the Sims 3…
Fun Meter = 0
acee, I disagree, I find TS3 UI much better than TS2, because it’s clear and makes easier to find what you are looking for.
hahah environment is decreasing!
bet they haven taken a shower and someone wants to pee or the environment will go down to zero!
I agree that TS2 UI was clearer…..