Harold Goldberg from G4 was invited to check out a demo of The Sims 3 on Xbox 360 and brought back his report which you can read here.

During the demo, one of the party guests who had been hitting on a female Sim wouldn’t leave. So he received a serious dose of Bad Karma with a kind of evil spell which reversed his abilities. Hilariously, he immediately lost control of his bowels (lots of green-colored gas was emitted). He left the girl and sped to the bathroom – for a long session of farting, and more. Thankfully, The Sims 3 doesn’t have Smell-O-Vision.

At midnight, right as the Witching Hour chimes, you’ll be judged on your actions of the day. If you’ve been naughty and not nice as far as using Karma Power goes, you won’t get much of a boost in abilities. If, however, you’ve been an upstanding Sims citizen, you’ll be rewarded, not necessarily handsomely, but appreciably.