I hate posting these, but when it comes to retail site Bart Smit, they do hold credit for leaking out the name and release information on The Sims 3 Ambitions (Hobbies and Professions at the time). Dutch fansite SmartSims called up the retail giant and discovered that the 2nd Stuff Pack – The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff – is set for release on September 9, 2010. They were also told that they have the 3rd Expansion in their system (no name given) for an estimated release of November 4th, 2010 as well as the 3rd stuff pack which is dated for February 3, 2011. Like with any release dates, take them with a grain of salt. It’s not official until EA says so.
if the rumors are true about the 3rd ep, it’s going to be released on my b-day! 😀
whos that guy on this sites logo who appeares to be sitting on the text which says Games
I was wondering the same..!!! 😛
A sad Keanue Reeves – http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/keanu-is-sad-sad-keanu
Isn’t the Fast Lane Stuff pretty much a given…as it’s shown up on quite a few online stores (Best Buy, Amazon, etc…)??
p.s.- lol @ Keanue Reeves! 😛
why keanue reeves?
nd he int sim related too!
He’s sad. We must make him happy. After all, we shall ‘Be excellent to each other’
Looks like June and November could be the typical EP release dates while February (and possibly September) could be for the ones for SP’s. Of course, give or take a month. I’m especially interested in knowing what EP 3 will be about. Most likely, we’ll know by August.
sry went off topic!
It would be awesome if the rumor about the third EP is true but then again I am not sure about it…these expansions are coming out pretty quickly and many have been disappointed
After Dark is the name of the third expansion
I think the next EP will be After Dark as Tarell said or a seasons-like expansion. But more likely seasons if you don’t listen to the rumors that there could be After Dark. This is because in Ambitions there is a fog controller thing and it has rain and snow for it. Then on the consoles I believe they have rain because someone on The Sims 3 Forums said, but I’m not totally sure about that.