Damn straight I am 😉
All in all, I’d say that this is a nice expansion in terms of functionality, but that it will really only significantly impact gameplay for those who want it to. I’ve never been one to micro-manage my sims too much, and I also tend to play large households – if you want to play every moment of your sim’s day, including their job, then that means that you can really only focus on a single sim. But at the very least, the new town is awesome and there are some nice bells and whistles. I should note that this expansion has made my loading time much longer, but I’m not sure if that’s a widespread problem.
My first story goal when I actually have some time to sit down and play: a ghost hunter who has a ghost baby. How dramatic!
lol, especially with that slimer costume 😉 . . . Nothing Sexier than a giant green geeky blob 😛
Hey Simprograms!
Umm, Just Stop By To Tell You About This Little Video On Youtube Called “Lyddi Design”. It’s About This Sim (Ambitions Expansion) Who’s A Designer. First She Designs Her House And Then She Designs Other Sims. It’s Kind Of Like Watching The Spanish Channel WIth English Subtitles Except Instead of Speaking Spanish The Sim Is Speaking Simlish. I Thought It Was A Pretty Cool Concept. Check It Out.
I’ll do a search on YouTube and check it out, thanks for the info, Chanda.