Older Sims Games 25 May 2010 6 5/24/10 – 1 lone screen from Sims.miXei.ru of The Sims 3 Ambitions An indepth look at the Ambitions firehouse – I like it! Screen provided by Russian fansite Sims.miXei.ru! Share Article:
looka bungee jump!
Bungee Jump?!
Bungee jump? 2 story high? Is that possible? Maybe if you’re a spider or a cat…
I don’t see a bungee cord anywhere. Unless you mean the trampoline? In that case, that is not bungee jumping, at least not here in the U.S. And the poles are to slide down and climb up. 🙂
Obvious frankie is obvious!
Wow, I honestly thought you people were stupid enough to believe it was a bungee jump. xD Anyhow, thanks Frankie; at least someone here is sane! 😉