Have you ever said “Gee, these cars suck!” while playing either The Sims 3 or The Sims 2? Well you don’t have to live with those, oh no! I’m sure I plugged this website in the past, in fact you may even heard of them before – FreshPrinceCreations is the name, and cars is their game! Okay, so they don’t focus on cars all the time but a majority of their downloads are. Some of the best I ever seen – in fact even came across the following PT Cruiser for The Sims 3. Seeing how I own a red one, I was thrilled! Now only if they could offer my three favorite cars – General Lee, the BTTF Delorean and the Ecto-1 from Ghostbusters, I don’t think I’ll ever stop playing my sims game! LOL!