I’m making this a sticky for a few days, hope you wont mind.  2010 brings the 10th year (in August) of the site.  I had plans to do a whole new site design to celebrate the 10th year, but at this time I’m pretty happy with the minor adjustments I made a few months back.  I think I may edit the main site’s title logo but I think that’s about it.  I have absolutely zero ideas what I could do to improve the site.  My main focus is to give you – the readers – content that you want or that you are looking for.  However, I can’t say that I know what that is.

I take it that Luke, Frankie and I are doing a top-notch job on brining the latest news…got that.  But I have to ask…do you think the site is missing something in particular?  What do you want to see for 2010?  I’ll try my best to give you what you want – so drop your comments below and I’ll get to work 🙂

P.S. Improvement with my writing/grammar isn’t going to happen, so don’t even try LOL 🙂