I’m about to lose my freakin’ mind – I do not know how much more of this stuff I can take – hopefully I’m not alone on this.  Check this out to see if it makes any sense to you.  The Sims Store is running a new deal that if you purchase 4,000 SimPoints ($40) you will get two free Christmas theme items (see pic on the left).

I mean seriously…Who do they think we are?  Millionaires?  Chumps?  First off – $40 SimPoints…yeah, I can totally see spending that much during the holiday season.  I mean Christmas presents?  Who needs them?  Not like they’re aren’t real life items that can be purchased for that much.  “Forget that new sweater you’ve been wanting, honey!  My Sim’s needs are more important!”

Not only that but your getting two shirts/hats for free.  I mean couldn’t you make it something spectacular like a true Holiday set with 20+ items or something?  Or perhaps a snow-themed town?  2 measly clothing items isn’t a draw.

How much more of this are we going to take?  I hate to see more EA folks lose their jobs, but I wish their whole store concept would blow up in their face.  Or at least lower the prices where they should be – cheap.  I know I stand against the fact of illegally obtaining items for free from the store…but if they keep this up I’m tempted to pull a Robin Hood on them.