I can’t stop laughing, LOL. I’m just tickled to death over the following image provided by Google Street view!
So many jabs can be had at EA with this picture, but I’ll leave that one up to you guys. Have a good one? Please share 😀
Oh boy, lmao…Thanks for the laugh SimsExchange!
Is that… is that bird poop?!
i just can’t believe google kept that image. like…who was that lazy and was like..meh…let’s keep it, no one will ever look this close.
although, my mind did go somewhere else before i realized the situation with the picture and such. 😀
…ugh…i hate the word “Situation” after watching Jersey Shore….it’s so…wrong….
tracy, they take thousands of photos and it’s probably all automatic so they can’t go through every image
Thousands? I’d say more in the realm of millions. Consider this, each address has a panoramic picture which is composed of multiple others, there is I think 13 cameras on the car, but lets just say 10 to make it easy. So 10 pictures per house/address, now lets take my street for example, there are 135 houses on my street, that’s 1350 pictures just on my street, there is approximately 1500 houses in my suburb, so 15,000 houses, this is in an area of about 2km square, and this is just a small area, imagine the whole of Australia which is only 20m people, then the whole of the US and UK, then we would get to crazy for out numbers!
yeah but don’t they see it when they take it? i mean…are the pictures around that area with the poop too? cuz that’s a whole other situation..
maybe it’s the producer in me…but that’s just bad management…
but it is a very funny picture…oh poop.
Yeh, if you go around that area, most pictures have poop on them 😛
had the trees as went to the shop teen
hello everyone not have get happens reef have lots
i went to the shop everswade
I was doing sims 3 that said Not be read and dreams and have to do commet you sims 3 can be 🙁 i sad but have not be people can help me 🙂 dream have not done yay have done last night playing the sims 2 pets mouth
heet 🙂
hi lucy
dead the and harrison eyes herried things
people yay 🙁 beacause it was not very i went to the google and garden went to the perrta error had dermene ghast hollie
has es gerende
wow it pretty i a lady is girl
i can this sims 2 pet not great thank you lots ready
sad i have a cat she is dead but i got cute kitten calling cleo i wont not be ready