Perhaps the biggest story this year in the world of EA/Maxis is the fact that the last founder of Maxis – Will Wright – stepped down. It came out of the blue and left many in shock, wondering what was the cause behind his reasoning. He did inform his fellow fans and followers that he wanted to try something different in his life with his Stupid Fun Club. However there are still a number of people who think Spore’s failing was the reasoning behind his departure. Believe what you want, it was a sad day for Sim/Spore fans..
Speaking of sad news, another huge story dealing with Electronic Arts is the massive 1500 layoffs and lit the internet a blaze with all sorts of comments and activities. Hopefully many were able to find jobs, but I am sure they are still looking.
IndustryGamer’s Top 20 Stories of 2009: #17 Will Wright leaves EA
IndustryGamer’s Top 20 Stories of 2009: #10 Electronic Arts cuts 1500