Can’t wait until you’re able to surf and purchase items from the Sims Store directly into your game?  I bet you’re thrilled that this new feature is coming in the next patch of The Sims 3.  I mean seriously…the official forum is flooded with complaints on the fact that we can’t buy things in-game – IT IS WHAT WE HAVE BEEN WANTING.  Sorry, I’m just a little ticked off.  I can’t believe The Sims team is addressing this to be such a big deal when in reality, all the fans want is a bug-free game, yet they’re shoving some useless junk down our throats thinking we will be as giddy as a schoolgirl.

The worst part? discovered a screen of this in-game shop mode – oh and look what you have there – more freakin’ errors!  Here’s a thought…why don’t they just shove ‘Beta’ after every mention of The Sims 3.  I can’t wait until February when The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff Pack (Beta) comes out!  I really wish for once The Sims Team would listen to the things players actually have to say about the game and for a change start addressing things correctly…

/End Rant