Been a busy week for Sims programmers out there – 3 new tools surfaced their way onto the net:

The Sims Package Selector (Auto load Appropriate Editor)
Source: Mod The Sims
Copyright: DigitalChaos

If you mod for both The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, with this utility you will only have to double-click on a package file and it will automatically load into the correct package editor (fully configurable, of course).

This utility will associate itself as the default program for opening Sims2/Sims3 .package files.

It will determine if it is a Sims2 or Sims3 package and pass it on to the appropriate package editor.
**NOTE: The full path to the package file is passed to the executable, on the commandline, currently if any other “arguments” are required to pass in a filename to the application.

This will work for SimPE, S3PE, and Postal.

Sims 3 EP Compatibility Tool
Source: Mod The Sims
Copyright: DigitalChaos

This utility allows the user to quickly set the EPFlags for various resources in a Sims 3 Package file.

Setting EP Flags on a resource, for one (maybe other reasons too), setting it on the OBJD will make the object in the in-game catalog have the EPs particular icon (such as World Adventure type objects show its icon on the object)

Currently this program supports converting from EP0 to EP1, that is the BaseGame <=> World Adventures. This utility does have support for applying flags for other expansion packs, that have yet to be released by EA – also S3PE seems to have support for other EPFlags besides EP1. (The flags used by S3PE and the S3PI Library are just a set of bitflags)

Epico – Easier Patching, Instant Cache Obliteration!
Source: SimsCentral
Copyright: ShanOW

Epico makes all those patches EA release much less annoying! How? Because it takes away the tedious tasks of moving all your downloads somewhere safe, removing all the cache files and then putting it all back again. Epico does it all for you with a single click!

Once your patching is finished, no need to open anything else – Epico can instantly put all your downloads back again! Epico even has an on-demand cache clearing tool with can help repair you game and prevent all those annoying crashes. Download Epico today!