The Sims Slovenija is back with part two of their World Adventures review!  This time they are covering the topics of martial arts, photography and Egypt!

There are three pyramids in Egypt, Pyramid of the Burning Sands, The Great Pyramid and the Pyramid of the Wind. I wanted to send my Sim to explore the Great Pyramid, but I quickly finished the exploration … I didn’t have the right keystone to continue. And before writing something, I’ll need to tell you something else. When completing the adventures (or opportunities, whatever you prefer) you’ll get Ancient Coins, that can be used for buying special items, like food that will also re-generate some energy or escape dust. To buy those things, you’ll need at least visa level 1, besides the coins to pay for the stuff! Ok, now to write what I wanted, amongst these special items, there’s a skeleton key, that should work as a master key that would unlock all locks you don’t have any keys for. But as of now, those keystones don’t work at all … oh well, I hope EA releases new patch soon.

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