For the most part, you may already be aware of the following information if you’ve been glued the various interviews and previews about The Sims 3 World Adventures. However, SnootySims got ahold of the latest German Sims 3 Magazine (sites like and did as well, but this marks the first info translated to English) and posted a few bits of info on his Twitter Page:
SnootySims: I recieved the official German magazine. It has a few details about World Adventures. Not sure if they’re all new:
SnootySims: Mummies: Live longer then normal Sims, slower, are stronger, don’t need sleep, get faster on fire, can curse other sims.
SnootySims: New skills:Adventurous: Visa level rises quicker, higher mood after return home, can travel more often
SnootySims: Photographers eye: Learns Photography skill faster, more money for selling photos, can talk about photography.
SnootySims: Discipline:Learn Martial arts faster Bigger chance of splitting stones with hand bigger chance to win fighting trainingdummy
SnootySims: …Has fun fighting and non disciplined sims get tired fighting.
SnootySims: Tombs: can be 4 stories deep, Non explored places are dark, everything is placed back if another family visits the tomb.
I’m stumped…I don’t know what skill to consider first…Probably Martial Arts!