Have you played all of the hilarious Spore Galactic Adventures created by the Robot Chicken crew? You have one more to check out if that is the case with “Hey, That’s my Lunch“!
Download and play “Robot Chicken: Hey That’s My Lunch!” by Robot Chicken writer, Douglas Goldstein, simply by opening your Spore game.
It’s about a little girl and her adorable pets trying to make it to Hugz valley for a birthday party.
Douglas says, “All you gotta do is help a little girl get to Hugs Valley to celebrate her birthday. It’s very simple. No complications, no bloodshed at all… A little bit of bloodshed; it’s no big deal…
Be sure to do your own Robot Chicken Spore adventure.”
This adventure is worth 100 points so make sure to play it to upgrade your captain.
When you’re finished playing, make your own Blood Beast style lures in the new Traps and Lures Challenge! You can make hypnotic candies and treats or promises of toys and parties like the Blood Beasts do, or completely invent your own tempting trap.
Check it out here.