Get those SimPoints ready, the Mr. Cheesy Sale that The Sims 3 team has been promoting official starts on Friday, 21st August and lasts through Sunday, August 23rd. You should be able to find huge savings on select Hair and Clothing items. Sim Galaxy points out that there is a new ‘For Sale’ section at the Sims 3 Store…Could it be the signs of the sale ready to begin, or do they plan to markdown other misc. items? No idea, we shall wait and see!
Still think it’s a rip-off, don’t get me wrong. But regardless, I’m a sucker. May consider a couple of things 😛
some stuff is up now in the 1st two categories….btw.
nothing special.
Still nothing up and its nearly saturday =[
stuff is up. not very nice stuff but stuff none the less.