Today’s SporeDay is an offer from MaxisCactus.  She’s presenting players a chance to submit their questions to Spore artists Kate Compton and John Cimino.  The best 10 questions will be picked, and she’ll get them answered for an upcoming future SporeDay.

This is your chance to interview two of the artists from Maxis!

Kate Compton is an associate technical artist at Maxis. Some of her contributions to the project include creating the effects in Galactic Adventures, sculpting the core Spore and Galactic Adventures planets (including the cube), and designing the original Spoffit.

She also teamed up with Robot Chicken to help create the Bloody Sundae adventure, and made the Dungeons of Spore April Fool’s game.

Some of her other Adventures include How A Bill Becomes a Law and Protein Synthesis. Her notable creations include the Obama and other US Election 08 Candidates, and the Alex Trebek UFO.

John Cimino is a lead animator at Maxis. He’s was responsible for designing and creating all of the animation for the advanced emotional behaviors in Galactic Adventures. He designed the creature parts for Spore and Creepy and Cute, many of the rigblocks in the Building creator, and many of the Spore objects, such as huts, tools, and found objects.

He also designed the achievement icons and the creator play mode animations.

Some of his adventures include the original Clark and Stanley adventures, Welcome to Dancetopia, Robots vs Dragons, and he contributed on The Meaningless Turtle as well as several Robot Chicken adventures.

About the Interview

Ask them about their art, their jobs, or their adventures just by posting your questions here on the thread.

Submit your questions by 7/20/09 and we’ll choose the finalist questions for you to vote on. The top voted questions will be answered by Kate and John.

Please keep in mind that finalist questions will be chosen based on relevance to John and Kate’s contributions at Maxis.