Damn…this is why I hate reading stories created by Sim fans…Sometimes you can get dragged into the story and wind up wanting to read more! The following website popped up in my RSS feeds this evening – it’s a blog called Alice and Kev, two homeless sims who live in an abandoned park trying to survive without taking any job promotions or easy cash routes. Life is hard on the Alice (the daughter of Kev), as she is a kind-hearted clumsy loser…It doesn’t help when her father, Kev, is hot-headed, mean-spirited, inappropriate, dislikes children, and insane. How will Alice manage to take control of her life? Well, I’d suggest you visit the Alice and Kev blog and start reading!
A cool note, you can download the park and sims here and control them via your means!
That’s one of the best stories I’ve read in awhile. Good find, Jud.