Leave it to the brilliant minds over at Reclaim Your Game…One user – midfingr (kudos on the name btw) successfully created an automated program in which it will remove ALL the files from SecuROM – even the pesky registries. Since I’m afraid to continue on explaining it myself in fear of mis-interpreting what the program actually does, I’ll let the creator take it away:
SecuROM Be Gone Batch File
Last edited 4/27/2009
Introduction and About.
Thank you for downloading this file.
It’s purpose is to remove all remnants of SecuROM from your Windows system. While it does achieve most of this, you will need to (in most cases) use CCleaner to clear out two final registry entries. If you need CCleaner, please use the one included or download it from: http://www.ccleaner.com/ It is suggested that you check for updates from within CCleaner.
From the many, many hours of work done by a great number of people from around the world, I decided to make a batch file to help end users who, for any reason, do not want SecuROM on their system.
NOTE: *Please remember that in doing so, may render your game un-playable and may need to be re-installed.
A special note for Vista users. You may need Administrative rights, but my tests indicate that it doesn’t.
Tools needed:
How to use:
There is no installation need for the batch file (secubegone.bat). However you will need to install CCleaner if you do not have it on your system. Also, make sure RegDelNull is in the same folder as the batch file.
Simply run the batch file and press ‘OK’ for any pop-ups that may appear. When finished press any key to close the program. Then run CCleaner, both the Cleaner and Registry sections. Restart your computer to make the removal finalized.
*NOTE: If needed see further instructions on using CCleaner at:
What to expect.
Some elements of SecuROM may not be on your system. If you see an message stating ‘error cannot be found’, don’t be alarmed. This is normal. If you suspect the program is not working properly, please visit: http://www.the-prism.com/ and sign up for an account (it’s free) and post any questions you may have.
This is not to be used for commercial purposes and I cannot make any guarantees as each system setup is different. Althoughthis software is relatively safe to use, there is no way to confirm it will work for certain on your Windows PC.
A list of registry entries to watch out for.
CmdLineContextMenu Class
SecuExp.exeAlso. Select start, RUN and type %appdata% if the program was successful, you should not see a folder named ‘Securom’.
To Do List:
List of credits and links
I ran the program myself and once was completed, dug into my registry to find out the files were actually gone! After a brief minute or so of celebrating, I groaned as I knew once I run Spore, it’ll self-install again. And to be honest…I love me some Spore 🙂
If you have any questions on SecuBeGone, I’d highly recommend dropping over to Reclaim Your Game. They’ll do a lot better at helping then what I ever could do 🙂
Oh, and before I forget, from the bottom of my heart – THANK YOU midfingr and RYG!!!
Hi Judhudson. I just wanted to thank you for your kind gesture in placing this article. I’m ecstatic over the attention this has received. My only wish is that it will help others and make life just a little bit easier.
So. Thank you. Your words and thoughts mean a lot to me. And feel free to add any comments or suggestions you wish.
All the best,
No problem, but like I said, it’s you who we should all thank 😀 It’s about time someone stepped up to the plate to create an automated tool – and you’ve done just that. Kudos to making many Sims and Spore fans (and the other countless PC games that use SecuROM) very happy!
By the way, just for kicks I timed the amount of time it takes for Spore to open after using this tool. I counted about 42 seconds for it to launch the program. When SecuROM is installed and I launch it again, it loads in around 16 seconds.
Personally (don’t kill me) I like SecuROM! That’s the reason I don’t need a disk to play Spore.
DRM and install limits = BAD
SecuROM = Good (sometimes)
But I did try running it with spore and for some strange reason it just reinstalled itself so is that my problem or something else also connor please just jump off a building while hugging secorm made disc and we all will feel much better (ROFL)