Earlier in the month, a handful of Spore creators were invited on a two day trip to the Maxis Studios to check out Spore Galactic Adventures. During their time at the event they were able to meet the developers behind the game as well as create new adventures to populate the Sporepedia. Maxis launched their Spore Galactic Adventures Camp page today showcasing images as well as panoramas of their adventures.
Thanks to Sporedum for the note as well as keeping up with the Galactic Camp!
Ceece’s Adventure Panaroma Screen
Dananddna’s Adventure Panaroma Screen
Fotosynthesis’ Adventure Panaroma Screen
G3NJI’s Adventure Panaroma Screen
Gryphon57’s Adventure Panaroma Screen
Masscolder’s Adventure Panaroma Screen
Parkaboy’s Adventure Panaroma Screen
Shattari’s Adventure Panaroma Screen
Slartibartfast38’s Adventure Panaroma Screen
TNT Production’s Adventure Panaroma Screen