Wonder why your leaked Sims 3 game that you’ve downloaded is low on content and has many bugs?  If you’ve guessed it’s not the final version, you are correct!  According to the various comments in some of my previous posts, the leaked version is 1.0.615.00107.  Well, a crafty Sims fan found information of the first Sims 3 patch from EA (http://na.llnet.eadownloads.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/patches/sims3_sku7_update_manifest.xml) which reads that it’ll take the game (1.0.631.00107) and update to version 1.0.632.00107.  A lot can change in 17 builds!

Thanks to the forums at Snooty Sims as well as reader JRon for the source.