If it is one thing that may get me fired from my job, it would be due to me playing TS3 on my iPhone.  I hope it doesn’t come to this…What do they call an addiction to EA/Maxis game’s anyway?   I may have to use my 2 weeks of vacation just to take off playing the games!  Speaking of playing the game, IGN score a hands on with the iPhone version of the game and shares their report, along with many new screens of the latest build!

Outside of the social experience, the Sims 3 on iPhone is also something of a resource management game. Sims have needs like hunger and cleanliness, so you need to make sure you balance enough time to take showers and eat while doing other things like going to work and shopping. Getting a job is as simple as walking up to one of the four career buildings and accepting a gig. To keep a job, you need to show up at the place at the specified time. Each day drops cash in your account. Occasionally, I got random incidents associated with Bubba’s science job. One of them was the chance to turn in a co-worker that Bubba saw stealing. However, it turns out the co-worker was just doing an errand and Bubba’s false accusation cost him his job. Fortunately, the city hall was hiring.

article here

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Once again, thanks to our very own Thomas aka Lucky711 for posting this on Twitter!