Who remembered when we first heard about Simsville? I do! It’s been ages, but the idea of merging the original Sims and SimCity together blew my mind. Too bad it was canned…however, various aspects were used in Sims 2 and expansions. I wish they could put out what they have as a free download. It’ll probably be filled with bugs, but I was looking forward to that game.
Anyhow, found this oldie on YouTube of footage from the game, thought I would share with you:
Hey thanks for using my vid!
Thank you for posting it on YouTube! I never did get to see it in action, only read about it in the PC World Magazine. I wish it would see a release…even if it’s a beta 😛
Wow, there’s such a big resemblance between the buildings on the video and the ones one that we see on The Sims 3 pictures and stuff.
I remember watching Simsville trailer more than 1 time, it came with Sim City 3000. Such good memories of those happier days!
Why did they cancel it?!?!?
Maxis decided to move the staff to other Sim projects. Part of Simsville was incorporated in Hot Date, some in SimCity 4, and spread across other expansions/sim games.
It might’ve been incorporated across several different games, but all these features in one nice little box would’ve been simply WONDERFLUFFLE. I wish someone had access to the latest build of it so we could all at least have a little fun.
(Sorry for posting on something so long-dead)
Maxis cancelled the game because they knew that the game ”Sims Ville” was too good, and they could do much more profit buying expansions after expansions!