This little gem just popped up in my RSS feeds advertising a demo for The Sims 3. After double checking that my 3 different anti-virus software programs were up to date, popup blocker was ready, ad blocker was on I took the plunge into the link that it sent me to – h t t p : / / w w w . s i m s 3 d e m o . c o m / (I decided it’s best to not link to it). Seems like the suppose “hackers, spammers, whatever you call them” believe the Simmers to be a gullible bunch. While true, some of us are (I’d be lying if I said otherwise – no offense) many of us are aware that it’s a fake. For the ones that may think it is real, this message is to let you know otherwise.
If you see any signs of someone claiming there is a Sims 3 Demo, IT’S ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE, DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINKS THEY TELL YOU TO. I went in expecting the site to try to load some malicious files onto my computer, and my anti-virus caught 27 cookie threats. Thankfully I knew what was to be expected. The site also tries to make itself legible by linking to the Sims 3 Cri fansite (don’t worry, this site is safe) by using the news put out by their RSS reader.
I’ve captured a screen posted below of what the site looks like. If you come across or someone sends you a link to a Sims 3 demo, remember DO NOT CLICK. If there was a true demo to be released, you’ll know about it from…otherwise trust no one (and I have to point out, not even us fansites unless we’re getting our news from the official site and are directing you to there).
Fellow webmasters and Sims fans, you know the drill. Please put the word out there and make sure Simmers stay away from h t t p : / / w w w . s i m s 3 d e m o . c o m / and/or any other sites offering a Sims 3 demo. I’ve uploaded the screen to my flickr gallery, you’re welcome to link to the various size that you need for posting this message, thanks!
Lol. It even thanks SimPrograms!
Just a heads up, Jud.
You might want to break up the link like so h t t p://w w w.s i m s 3 d e m o . c o m/ so people using Linkification and other Fire Fox plugins don’t accidentally click on it.
Thats a good idea, not familiar with Linkification. I’ve corrected it, thanks for the tip!
Yo Yo Yo wut up my peeps? luv ya!!!
If i could get the admin to take off my home details from one of the comment above please. Also the site (which is down at the moment) never had anything to download off. All links on that one page sent you off site, so any virus or downloads that you got were not from the site itself.
Just thought I would say my side of things and the truth.