*Updated 3/4/09 with more details with a note from MaxioidHydra*
Hi Simmers,
By popular demand, here are some more details on what we’re looking for, with apologies for the perplexing vagueness earlier!
At this time, we are primarily looking for freelance writers to help out on our game manuals. There is the possibility that a writer could also be asked to work on in-game and/or marketing copy as well, but that is not our primary need. Our hope is to find several writers to use on an ongoing basis, as freelancers.
Therefore, the best writing sample you could submit would be a manual; however, we welcome you to submit a different type of sample as your second piece. If your writing samples do not include any manuals, you could write a short “how-to” piece on something that you know very well. It does not have to be how to play a video game. You could, for instance, outline how to make the perfect grilled cheese!
We prefer professional writers (and “professional” meaning, yes, that you’ve been paid to write!) in that we want to find contributors who are familiar with deadlines, editorial practices, and working in a professional environment. You won’t necessarily be rejected if you haven’t worked as a “professional” writer so long as you are professional and can demonstrate good editorial practices.
We prefer local Simmers as ideally you need to come to our HQ in Redwood Shores to play the game, meet with us, and work with our editorial staff. As a freelancer, you would not have to be on-site every day, all day, but we would want you to be available to come in, as needed, to best manage the assignment.
As for compensation–as we are looking for talented professionals, we do expect to pay you for your work.
If you’re interested, email your resume and two professional writing samples to MaxoidDrea@ea.com.
Good Luck!
Arrgghhh! I think I’d be able to pull of this job! Too bad I don’t live in the Bay Area!
EA/Maxis needs you! Are you a freelance writer and love The Sims? Then you may want to have a look at this message posted by the Maxoids at the Sims 2 BBS:
Hey Simmers,
Want to write for The Sims?
We’re looking for experienced freelance writers who love The Sims to work on a variety of projects. Interested?
Email your résumé and two professional writing samples to MaxoidDrea@ea.com.
Good Luck!
Arrggghhhhh! I would love to be able to help them out with the projects. Problem is, my writing is god-awful! This is a good lesson to you kids – pay attention and don’t slack off in English class. Of course, I did somehow manage to get excellent grades…But I still dreaded that subject!
I could do this, but I have no history!
Why exactly would they need writers to begin with? It’s not like Sims games follow a script and if they did it would pretty much kill the franchise.
And what exactly constitutes a professional writing sample in their eyes? It’s a bit vague. I have 3 published poems would that count?
Not that I’m interested because the whole thing doesn’t sound very appealing due to creative freedom being controlled by EA’s boundaries (which I would most likely get fired in a day anyways) and would most likely be writing descriptions for objects and such which would really benefit more from someone with advertising experience.
I’d be in the same position, Thomas. If they tell me to do something that goes against my standards, I’d be holding up a “Will work for” sign within minutes. But I think the samples they want are various articles on gaming…Don’t know if they want something like a high school English essay on Twilight… On second though…If I did write for them, I think it would look something like this: http://media.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/319502/947452.jpg
Your writing inst awful, at least i don’t think so. Your one of the best writers ive seen in the sims community. 🙂
Well thank you 🙂
My problem is I have no standards. I’ve always been a do what I want, say what I want type of guy. Even my attempt at a family-friendly movie script has a f-bomb in it.
It certainly helped being into writing in high school since all my typing classes I ended up typing my own stuff instead of the see spot run stuff everyone else had to do. Well, until they realized what I was writing and the fact that I don’t believe in censorship.
I can’t do it any more anyways because having lost my complete body of work I just don’t have the desire to write anything any more. But I did pass this on to a few friends who might be interested in it none the less.
I am interested! I am a freelance writer with the following experience: publication in a newsletter known as the Chatterbox, in The Marin Indepedent Journal, in The Everything Homeschooling Magazine, in LAW online, in The Everything Homeschooling Book 2009 edition by Adams Media and elsewhere. I am also an avid Sims player and an amatuer Sims-film maker.