I am so out of loop with the music that is to be featured with The Sims 3. Bang Camaro, Dexter Freebish and now Pint Shot Riot…I’ve never heard of any of these bands! When are they going to include Tenacious D, Metallica, Guns N’ Roses…those are the bands that matter! Oh well, guess I’ll find out if their music is any good when the game hits.
According to the band’s website, Pint Shot Riot’s single ‘Punches Kicks Trenches And Swords’ will appear as a track as it hadn’t really had any international exposure.
Thanks to SnootySims for the heads up!
You’re not alone Jud. I’ve never heard of any of these bands outside of the Sims either. But sounds like more stuff that I’ll end up disabling in favor quality music for each station. I just hope they’re smart and include a country station from the start this time around. My music folder is larger than my downloads folder at this point. Chocked full of everything from Elvis to Elton John to Guns n’ Roses to 2 Live Crew replacing those Simish songs for the most part. There’s probably a few left in the Bon Voyage stations since they’re supposed to sound like they’re in a foreign language anyways.
I agree with you too, Jud. I’ve never heard these groups outside of The Sims. Let’s get Metallica, Pink Floyd (raise your hand if you want to hear Dark Side of the Moon in Simlish), The Eagles, etc.
Yep. Hey, and if they ever plan to redo Vacation as an expansion, they better have include Hotel California in Simlish 😀