Seems as if EA is trying to reach the people who watch the show One Tree Hill, as they have created a 14-second promo spot using The Sims 3. I think I’ll go against their advice and I will miss it, I have no desire to watch it. Thanks to Nick DeLong for sending in the tip!
One thing that gets me…I thought a majority of the places – even the hospital – were pigeoned-holed, meaning that we couldn’t see what goes on inside when our Sims goes in. The same can be said about the past pictures of the Astronaut and the Scientist sims working in their enviroment. Has Maxis considered opening these areas up now that they have more time, or is it false advertising?
My guess is that they’re staged for screenshots and machinima. I tried getting into the military base (also a space port) when I played Sims 3, but was unable to (then again, my Sim wasn’t in that career track).
Hey, i think that from, they said this “While some buildings in town, like the school, will be places that Sims disappear into for set periods of time, most will be open sites that you’re free to explore – art galleries, museums and the like. These locations should ensure that you always have somewhere to go if you’re bored of your own home.” So maybe only certain places you can see into? i don;t think they created a whle bilding just for a 14 second video and they deleted it to keep there word. If they did just create it, they would keep it, but idk lol 😀
I can’t wait to get this game!!! =) It looks so great! The best ever I hope so