I would so do this if I had green construction paper. That’s just how much of a fool I am 😛 I became bored at work today and during my break I googled plumbob. Came across a pretty cool tutorial that explains how you can create your own plumbob out of paper for either cosplay, a convention, halloween, or for every day use if you want people to stare at you funny. I am saving this information for the next time I visit the Maxis Headquarters or when TS3 is released! Find how to make your own at eHow
I have also made. but not this a little more real looking. you can find on my website how you can make. my website: http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=nl&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.simlicious.tk%2F&sl=nl&tl=en