SimManiacos has uploaded some exclusive shots of the Sims 3 Collector’s Edition preorder box from the American Best Buy stores. Keep in mind that these are just the pre-order boxes and are not the true official collector’s edition box (I believe they are wider in dimension).
Are you sure they are wider? I know the American boxes usually are. But last time I ordered the stuff pack from the States, it turned out to be a smaller box! And yes, I collect my stuff packs from the US :p Anyway, I’m not sure they are wide this time. Could be a good thing if they are in fact smaller, because those wide boxes fill up my shelves (and I seriously have no room left, unless I move my Sims 1 collection to my other desk).
LOL. I know, I don’t like the wide boxes either. I’m guessing they would be wide because of two reasons… The mockup box on the official Sims 3 website shows it is wide and then the fact that the Collector’s Edition of Spore was wide as well. I’m not sure if they can cram a 2GB USB drive, a Prima Hints & Tips guide, regular Sims 3 manual, stickers and such into a small DVD case…but I’ve been wrong before, who knows! 😀
Jud, they would do the same as they did with Spore, the Galactic Edition, that is, they’d cram everything into a box, all my games are the thin boxes, except OFB, H&M and HHS, but OFB was in a European Store o.o
Was Spore Galactic Edition a small box over where you are at? Ours over here was in a huge hard-plastic type box…The size of 3 DVD cases.
I didn’t say that the box is likely to be a small one. However I just think that you never know for sure. They sure surprised me with the latest stuff pack for The Sims 2. All of them were wide, and this one wasn’t. Our (European) boxes have *always* been small. Except for The Sims 2 base game, but even though that was a wide one, the US wide boxes are in fact still bigger.
I’m not sure how they will put everything in. I know the Spore box in the US was much nicer than ours. Could very well be that they are having a lot of different sizes in different countries.
Well…it’s EA I suppose…If they can cut costs any way they can, guess they’ll switch to small cases! 😛
Didn’t the US Spore box have a fancy front, with open SPORE letters and stuff? And 3D relief on the box itself? I have seen those. But us Europeans get a cardboard/paper box -_- I would have liked that fancy one. It costs less too. :-/