Caryl Shaw has joined the lineup with other various developers to speak at the Games Developers Conference 2009 in San Francisco, California. Her topic covers how well the Spore team did with the system they’ve implemented in the game on custom content. The event will be held from March 23 – 27 of 2009.
The online Share features for SPORE were as much a part of the game as the Play and Create parts were. By building so many of the social networking and content delivery systems into the game client, SPORE had some unique challenges both during development as well as post-ship.
This session will be a report card on how the customer-facing and back-end systems held up under the crush of millions of pieces of player-created content and about what we’ve learned and what we’ll do differently in Spore expansions and other future Maxis titles.
Thanks to Space Oddity’s Spore Blog for the tip!