This expansion is mostly great — the only thing that sucks about it, oddly enough, is its relative lateness with regards to The Sims 2’s life cycle. With so many expansion packs out already — and with The Sims 3 getting closer — it’s inevitable that many gamers will overlook this one as the series winds down. It’s a pity, because this is definitely one of the best Sims expansions EA’s ever released. It strikes the perfect balance of adding new material without taking away from the overall game, and it doesn’t feel like a completely different path but rather a cool new take on some of the basic mechanics. It’s a must-have for Sims 2 zealots, especially for those who skipped out on the last crop of expansions. Give it a go — Apartment Life succeeds at facilitating a great new life for your Sims without straying too far from the old block.

Apartment Life scores a B+, read the full review