CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED! Please give me an hour or so to where I can gather up all of the entries, put them into a randomizer and draw out the 3 winners! Will be announcing them shortly! Whew, that took a lot longer then expected….I need to find a better way of doing drawings, lol. Anyhow, the three randomly picked winners are: hlchlebik, Raphael Gious and Amber (aka Queenblood_Imp). Thank you so much for playing guys, I’ll get ahold of the winners to get the details and ship em’ out! And if you’re able to purchase one yourself – do so, these are awesome 😀
Talk about an awesome company! I don’t tend to get a hold of gaming companies to check in about giving away items, so it was a huge shock when I heard from MadCatz over the fact that they wanted to send me three Sims 3 Illuminated Mice to give away to our readers. Of course, how could I pass up an opportunity like that? I love giving things away to the readers and it’s not often I get to do it! So with that being said (thank you, MadCatz!), 3 lucky readers will be randomly selected (because that’s easier for me to deal with) to take home one a brand new mouse!
Rules are:
1. Open to anyone
2. Only enter/comment once.
3. Must have a valid email address and check it often in case you win
4. Contest ends sometime Friday night on April 6, 2012
And since I can’t plug MadCatz enough, the mouses themselves are available for sale over at their Store for the low price of $24.99 😉 Good luck on the contest!
No, you can’t have the TARDIS 😛
Those mouse look awesome!! I hope I win one 🙂
WOW! The first time I gather the courage to comment on your wonderful site, it’s the day of an awesome new contest! Morphinominal!
i like it – its would help me to see the sims mood when i am not at computer
Cause history is made at night so close the books turn off the light and listen
Let my heart be the teacher
No one here to disapprove
As we review the lessons you’ve been missing
Let the moon be our only light
Cause history is made at night
Illuminated, you say? … My precious!
Hope I can win!
I’d love one of these mouses. My bf said their a waste of money tho D:
I never win things but hey. If you don’t try you definately can’t win. A little like hoping to win the lottery without actually entering.
o/ That’s awesome!! Brazilians are in too, this time, Woohoo (if you know what i mean)
This is a treat in today’s profit driven world!
Oh wow these really do look quite awesome!!!
OK, I’m in. lol
I hope I win!
I’m in. Never get a chance to win. So who ever wins, congrats!
I am in 😀
Want it =D
I want one of these
Heya! Great giveaway!
great giveaway!! i want one of those.. hope i win 😀 and good luck to the others 😀
So that’s open even to brazilians? I’m in.
Wow I had no idea those existed xD Cool
Here’s to hoping I win!
I’d like one of those
Ohh the contest ends on my birthday, hopefully that means i’ll have some good luck 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity, please may I enter? 🙂
I want me one of those. c:
Do these work with Macs? If I remeber correctly, they don’t. :/ But, if I’m wrong, count me in. I want one. 🙂
ME ME ME Pick Me….
Please please please…
I m an OLD Lady who loves the Sims
Argentinians included? I want it 🙂
Count me in!
Heh, could always use a new mouse, and this one would be quite cool to have. =]
Oh, this is my time 😀 Thank you for doing this, these mouses are amazing!! Sorry for my english
Can I win the living mouse please? 😀 If someone else wins it, I’ll take the computer mouse. lol
I hope i win!. just sayin.
I would like to win one of these, since they do look quite neat. I definitely need a new mouse, regardless. This could be very fitting as a new one for me.
If I don’t win I will buy anyway *-* I need a mouse ^^
I want the Tardis too =P
If I don’t win I buy anyway it’s awesome *-*
Count me hopeful, I mean in.
I would soo love one of these!
want one for my girlfriend! 😀
Woha looks kinda weird.
Looks kinda weird..
I’d love to have one of those! Count me in~
I could not leave of participate, the draw will almost be on my birthday! =D
it looks perfect and big 😀
SWEEEEEET!!! Thanks for the chance i love the SIMS <3<3<3
Wow! This is super cool. Perfect for a Sims nerd like me 😉
Pretty cool looking mouse!
These look totally radical, brah.
Madcatz makes such great products and would love to win a Sim Mouse.
So in love with that mouse!! 🙂
I would love one, but I never win these contests! LOL. I love simprograms by the way, check it every day. Thanks for keeping it going 🙂
Going to give this a shot since my Microsoft Touch Arc mouse is starting to annoy me lol!
Good luck to whoever wins..
Oh God I want this mouse sooo bad! I thought about buying it but now I have the chance to win it.
Good luck to everyone! 🙂
Just thought I’d say, I have had one of these for a few months and never get tired of playing with it. It’s way cool! 🙂
Awesome and cool! We are lovers and readers of Simprograms for years. It is amazing that they give us gifts.. Best luck to everyone here.
those are soo cool 😀 I’d love to have it!
Cool. Saw it last time I went to the store but I’m trying to save up to buy Showtime. Hopefully luck is on my side.
Oooh i hope i win!!!
I would really love to win one of these mouse. I love The Sims.
omg i really want one of these! they are so kool!
Oh Gosh, I Hope I Win 😀
I participate in this contest … I’m from argentina
OMG How did I miss those smexy things! I’d sleep my way across Lunar Lakes for one of those XD
LETS GO MADCATZ !!! this is the right place to comment right?? 🙂
Hello! I’m from Argentina, and long ago wished a worldwide contest. From age 9 i play The Sims, now I have 19, this mouse would be like a trophy, I really love this MOUSE. Thank you very much for this great opportunity! Argentine Reader.
The mouses look amazing!!! I hope i win one
Sure, I’m in. Put me in the drawing. 🙂
Iluminate me!
Ok I probably didn’t even spell that right but I do know how to spell THANKS if I win
I got to get me one of those!!! 😀
I really hope I win.
I’m in! Woooo! 😀
OMG! I have wanted one of these so badly! id love the opportunity. thank you!
Hehe, I would love to get me one of those :D.
Love your website and check it every day for Sim news!!!! Was going to buy the sims 3 mouse before I saw your competition, they look really nice:D
I want it.
I want it! Can I have the a mouse please?
Thank you! Good luck to everyone! 🙂
oh I’d love to have it 😀 IM IN!
I Love Sims, from Spain.
I love Iluminated Mouse.
Good luck to all those who enter!
I want to win the mouse!!
New Katy Perry stuff will be great! 😀
Id Love that mouse 😀
Oh yeah sign me up for the contest 🙂
I soo freakin’ want that mouse!!! <3 🙂
Sweet! I would love that mouse! Thanks for the contest/giveaway!
Watch this video: from EA Russia. Publish on your site.
Love this mouse! Would LOVE to have one! 😀
Those look so cool! Super excied actually. (I dont think my last comment posted.) I would love that mouse!
very cool…I would love to have one
I cant wait for Sims 3 to come out 😀
Loooooove It!!! I’d love to enter 😀
Enter me in! I’m still using a terrible old mouse with the bally on the bottom. xD GoodlUck Everyone!!
Ohhh my favorite mouse¡ I like it¡
Lo voglioooooooooo 🙂
Great contest!
It would be great to play with this mouse.
Greetings from Spain!
I would love to own either mouse!! 😛
I cant wait to see who gets it (it looks so cool!)
Oh and yes I want to enter the contest.
Woot! Woot! 🙂
Heya! Love contests!
Oh, yeah!!
Hey girl hey! I could use a new mouse!
Hope this comment means I’m in! In desperate need of a mouse and what’s a better way to show my obsession with Sims with a mouse like this? Good luck everyone!!
Want this very cool mouse!!! 😉
Greetings from Italy 🙂
The mouse is a cool invention by EA.
Can’t wait for the illuminated keyboard giveaway ^^.
Enter me please! These look so cool 🙂
I could really use a new mouse! Count me in! 🙂
Really awesome giveaway. 🙂 I’d love to win one! P.S.: I love your site!
Looks Awesome!! Please Let Me Win One! 😀
Awesome news, good luck to everyone!!!
Hope I win
Good luck everyone!
Would love to play the next SimCity with this mouse!
Good Luck 🙂
I need it..please!!!!
Enter me please 🙂 Would love a Sims 3 mouse, especially an illuminated one!
enter me
I’ll give this one a go 😛
I kinda never win anything… so it will mean a whole lot to me if I win 😀
Open in Brazil = I’m in!
I want this 😀
Good luck!!!
Hi!!!! Cute Mouse!!!! Hope i win this competition 😀
Nice Mouse
These look so awesome, I’d love to be in!
Count me in for this! And thank you for the giveaway :3
Nice mouse
let me have it. I i’ll plug it especially when I play sims 3
win this, i must.
Good luck everyone! I’d love to have this, looks totally awesome 🙂 btw, nice TARDIS 😉
i want that mouse for my mouse ( pet!!! ) to see what his reaction is!
Also count me in 🙂
Good luck everyone !
Awesome 😛
Ohhh Enter me into this awesome contest. When i saw this mouse I was like O.O “super sweet” 🙂 Good Luck everyone.
Enter me please 🙂
I would love to win the mouse!
THIS WOULD BE AWESOME TO WIN! thanks for giving me a chance 🙂
I’d LOVE to win. My mouse is outdated and falling apart. It being sims makes it even better!
I’d LOVE to win. My mouse is old and outdated. The fact that the mouse is sims 3 is even better!
I’ve really been wanting one of these
Oh, I’d love to get that lovely sim-mouse!!!
I would love to enter. Thank you
I would LOVE this mouse! I have been trying for ages to get one! 🙂
As my mouse pet bited my pc mouse, it would be nice to win one of these.
So i want it xD.
oooh! Goodie. I want the illuminated mouse! (not the mouse with fur. xD) I hope I’m one of the three winners. ^_^ hooray!
my birthday is April 5th; this would make an awesome present 😉
thanks for hosting
It’s so cute! I love it! 😉
I want one so bad!!!
the animal mouse would be fun but ill settle for the other one for now XD
I would like to enter. :3 ~
I would like to enter :3 ~
I would love to win this.
this is the coolest mouse ever!!! i would be super duper excited to win one of these…..ahh so awesome =D
i would love to win one these ,it be cool see mouse change colors
Ooh yay, i’d love one! Good luck everyone!
I would love to enter and hopefully win 🙂
I would love to win this. Looks cool!
This looks awesome! Sooooo hoping I win! 😀
YAAAAY SIMS MOUSE 😀 …. Now I must wait.
I want one illuminated mice too xD
I so wanna wanna some of that,! thanks for sharing… even if I don’t win its a nice mouse…!
I would LOVE to enter, and just know if I win I’ll enjoy every moment of making my hubby use it! (for all of 30 sec then I get the computer again. 🙂
However just where did the darling little TARDIS come from? My hubby has been a Dr Who fan from the time when he had to sneak back down stairs and watch it after bed time. Way back in the land of kids where the TV remotes that my son thinks we’er making up!
Oooh I’ve been wanting one of these since it came out. =) it’s very expensive where I’m from though.
My mouse! I want it to myself!
I would love to win even though i never win anything i enter
I found this mouse a month ago at Amazon and felt in love. 😉 I would be great to have the mouse, because to win the mouse makes the thing even better. ^^
I want one! I think its too cool to really have one! So generous of you to give one away. 🙂
I hope that I get it and have a good chance b/c I could use a new mouse 🙂
Entering for a chance to win! LOVE these!!! And LOVE that your giving them away like this!!
Thank you for hosting this contest! <3 I hope I win. 8D
I love anything that lights up. So this would be very cool to have for free. 🙂
*raises hand* I’d like to participate. 🙂
These are so cool, I’d love to have one!
Awesome. I thought these looked genuinely cool the first time I saw them. Hope I win.
These are awesome! I want one!
I WANT IT!!!!!
Entering contest. Good luck to eveyone (:
Yesh please! i would love one.
Hi everyone! Man I am a new simmer only a teen. Really hope I have a chance, & I wish everyone lucky chances and happy simming!
P.S. Man who doesn’t want a TARDIS? It’s Doctor Who?! Love BBC AMERICA right now! 😉
Sooo want one please! 😀
Ooo! I would love to win one! <3
I’ve been a HUGE sims fan since I was 7, I really hope I win a mouse that’s apart of the sims universe.
awesummm so can i have it 😛
I want one so bad! XD
MadCatz are a great company! :3
Commenting again because the email I typed in my first comment was wrong! XD
So awesome! I definitely wanna win one of those.
I’d love to win one! 😀
Awesomeness! I feel like I’m winning this already,lol! No just joking. :3 It’s almost impossible but it is worth the try, so I’m in. xD
looooool i want one of theses!
Is it Steam-redeemable? LOL just joking. Thanks for the nice giveaway 🙂
This is really cool. Thanks for the awesome opportunity to win one of these. SimPrograms and MadCatz rocks! 🙂
ooohhh….yes please 😉