CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED!  Please give me an hour or so to where I can gather up all of the entries, put them into a randomizer and draw out the 3 winners!  Will be announcing them shortly!  Whew, that took a lot longer then expected….I need to find a better way of doing drawings, lol.  Anyhow, the three randomly picked winners are:  hlchlebik, Raphael Gious and Amber (aka Queenblood_Imp).  Thank you so much for playing guys, I’ll get ahold of the winners to get the details and ship em’ out!  And if you’re able to purchase one yourself – do so, these are awesome 😀

Talk about an awesome company!  I don’t tend to get a hold of gaming companies to check in about giving away items, so it was a huge shock when I heard from MadCatz over the fact that they wanted to send me three Sims 3 Illuminated Mice to give away to our readers.  Of course, how could I pass up an opportunity like that?  I love giving things away to the readers and it’s not often I get to do it!  So with that being said (thank you, MadCatz!), 3 lucky readers will be randomly selected (because that’s easier for me to deal with) to take home one a brand new mouse!

Rules are:

1. Open to anyone

2. Only enter/comment once.

3. Must have a valid email address and check it often in case you win

4. Contest ends sometime Friday night on April 6, 2012

And since I can’t plug MadCatz enough, the mouses themselves are available for sale over at their Store for the low price of $24.99 😉  Good luck on the contest!

No, you can’t have the TARDIS 😛