If you drop by EL33TONLINE, you can view a very small Q&A with Lyndsay Pearson, the Sims 3 Associate Producer. Before you click on the link, you should know that there isn’t hardly any information pertaining to the actual game – just a quick interview in which she describes her own traits, her favorite game, the craziest thing she’s ever done in a Sims game and who on the team most resembles a Sim.
What personality traits in The Sims 3 most closely matches your own personality, in your opinion?
If I recreated myself as a Sim I think I’d pick: Workaholic, Friendly, Neurotic, Excitable and Bookworm. I definitely work more than I should, I love to visit and chat with people, I worry about ridiculous things all the time (I’m pretty sure I left my garage door open today…), I get excited about the silliest stuff (googly eyes I can stick all over the place! YAY!) and I really love to spend hours absorbed in a good book.\
If you weren’t a game developer, what would you have ended up as?
I originally planned to make movies! I went to school to become a special fx artist so I suppose I might be doing that. I always thought I’d end up doing something art related. Luckily, even as a producer, sometimes they let me make icons or walls and floors.