Mootilda over at Mod The Sims 2 created LotAdjuster, the sucessor to LotExpander.
The LotAdjuster allows you to modify a lot in “The Sims 2” in a variety of ways, including:
- Move a lot within a neighborhood; move a lot away from the road.
- Enlarge a lot over the road; allow building on both sides of the road.
- Enlarge a lot up to a size of 6×6, which is the EA-imposed TS2 limit.
- Add and remove roads; create a roadless lot; create a lot with multiple roads: corner lot, alleyway, service road, square.
- Shrink a lot; allow building to within one tile of the edge of a lot.
- Unlock tiles on a lot.
- Fix vehicle and pedestrian portal locations, as well as the location of the mailbox, trash can, and phone booth.
This version of the LotAdjuster works with all expansion and stuff packs, up to and including The Sims 2 Free Time. Grab it in our Sims 2 Programs – Neighborhood Editors section.