
The Sims 4 Kids Room Stuff has arrived, and allows Kids to have some style and deck out their rooms and appearance! Boasting all new furniture, posters, and other items, plus two new gameplay objects – theĀ Monster Battlestation and the Puppet Theater!

Now available to purchase, The Sims 4 Kids Room Stuff is summarised as the following in the game once you open it for the first time:

  • Battle with Monsters – collect and trade monster cards featuring your Sims’ favourite magical creatures!
  • Play with Puppets – the new puppet theater allows Sims to tell stories to entertain audiences.
  • Customise Kids Rooms – they’ll be expressive and full of style!
  • Kids Fashion – trendy and playful clothing and hairstyles let Sims showcase their individual style.

Let’s dig into the latest stuff pack and find out what content it offers and whether it’s worth your money, as we think it’s arguably the best stuff pack for The Sims 4 to date.

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The Time For Kids Fashion Is Now

Clothing has always been lacking for children in all generations of The Sims franchise. With The Sims 3, the Generations expansion pack rectified this to some extent by providing new content for all age groups. With The Sims 4, not much content has been created specifically for kids so this is a great decision by The Sims Studio.

I was impressed by the amount of new Create A Sim content that Kids Room Stuff offers, especially as the pack has a focus around rooms, as the title suggests. There are four new hairstyles, and the recent game update allows both boys and girls to wear any clothing and hairstyles, removing gender barriers, so there are no problems when it comes to there being content for boys/girls only.

Furthermore, all of the CAS items come with plenty of different colours and styles, so you can mix and match the content with plenty of other Create A Sim content.

The new CAS content offers a great variety and is suitable to match your Sims’ different personalities and stories that you may want to tell. I particularly like the new outfits that are offered in this pack.

Check out the slideshow above to see all of the new hairstyles, clothing, and shoes that your Kids can now wear in-game!

Stylised Rooms

One of my favourite features in The Sims 4, stylised rooms always surprise and delight me. They give you some really awesome ideas on how you could utilise the new content in the pack, and that’s no different in The Sims 4 Kids Room Stuff.

Three stylised rooms come with the stuff pack, which consists of two bedrooms and a play room.

I like the colour schemes chosen, particularly the blue-themed bedroom with the yellow and orange seats. The one stylised room I think is a bit boring and plain is the one with the Puppet Theater, though they can’t all be perfect šŸ˜‰

New Objects To Deck Out Your Rooms

The Sims 4 Kids Room Stuff boasts an impressive 40 objects, with a high proportion being decorative that can be placed on your Sims’ walls. While not as many as some previous packs, this is a nice proportion when you consider how many items are also present in Create A Sim. I believe a nice balance has been struck between these two categories, unlike in previous packs such as Cool Kitchen Stuff.

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You can see from the image above that there is a variety of content. A new bed, chairs (which I’m sure LGR will love), plenty of decorative objects including pictures and pokemon-looking creatures, bookcases and wardrobes, and the two new gameplay objects too!

While I would have liked to have seen some more objects, maybe themed beds (e.g. princess theme, seaside theme etc) like in The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff, just because they are more practical than lot’s of decorations to hang on the wall. Although, despite this, the new decor is very nice and suitable for the pack itself. But I think the pack would have offered more value if it calmed down with the decor items.

Two New Gameplay Objects

Stuff packs always promise to add some sort of new gameplay, and this is no different. The Puppet Theater is the first of these two new objects, and it allows kids to perform a variety of puppet shows for other Sims!

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Kids can perform a variety of shows, including Search for the Notebook Snatcher and The Creature of Granite Falls. They will then head into the theater and you’ll be able to enjoy some classic entertainment, while family and friends gather around to enjoy the show.

The second gameplay object is the Voidcritter Battle Station, which reminds me greatly of Pokemon. This allows kids to collect ‘Voidcritters’ and play with them on this station – training them and battling them!

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In order to do this, kids need to collect cards and they’ll be able to play with the battle station together. This is quite a cool feature and if my brother is anything to go by, then kids absolutely love things like this. Booster packs can be bought from the computer, making them easy to acquire instead of having to search around the in-game neighbourhoods.

There are plenty of Voidcritters to collect, train, and battle. This is a really cool thing to add and something I never really expected to find in the pack at all, so kudos to the stuff pack team for thinking about this and creating something for kids to enjoy and collect in-game.

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Final Thoughts

The Sims 4 Kids Room Stuff is a nice addition to the stuff pack line up, and is one of the better stuff packs we have received so far. I like the theme of adding new content for children as it does feel like they are ignored at times when we receive game packs/expansion packs. The new Create A Sim content is modern and fresh, and most of the buy objects are a nice addition. As mentioned before, I don’t like the fact that a fair amountĀ of new items are decorative/for walls, but that’s down to my personal taste. The new gameplay items are a treat and are things I will definitely try to use more in my game.