Then it’s Lucky Palms, thanks In-Game Store ( )
26th June 40% off
27th June 50% off
O_o , Really ???
Poker table! Poker table! Poker table!
PLEASE Poker table! I really miss it.
I wonder if its gonna be one from the last survey. There were some pretty awesome ideas there.
I’m kind of worried just a little. The red “sand” may be pink in daylight. It might be a Katy Perry themed world. *Shudder*
It’s probably not though. Probably some sort of Vegas-Style world.
Meh…never cared for the store worlds that much. Tatertot made it sound like the new thing would be something that’s never been done in the store before. It would be awesome if they made a world that incorporates stuff from every EP once they’re all released.
New world… AGAIN? >.>
Then it’s Lucky Palms, thanks In-Game Store ( )
26th June 40% off
27th June 50% off
O_o , Really ???
Poker table! Poker table! Poker table!
PLEASE Poker table! I really miss it.
I wonder if its gonna be one from the last survey. There were some pretty awesome ideas there.
I’m kind of worried just a little. The red “sand” may be pink in daylight. It might be a Katy Perry themed world. *Shudder*
It’s probably not though. Probably some sort of Vegas-Style world.
What if it’s the resort world? 🙁
Meh…never cared for the store worlds that much. Tatertot made it sound like the new thing would be something that’s never been done in the store before. It would be awesome if they made a world that incorporates stuff from every EP once they’re all released.
Yeah, same with Captain THPS4…made it sound like something completing new. I was thinking the pool bar…..