Amy The Sims 3 Gamer, has experienced two things in game that might be a hint/easter egg about the next Expansion. Sure there are those that refuse to believe that EA does this, but remember the toddler gnome in Generations with the dog paw on it’s back? Oh and remember there’s also a small tree that grows when a Unicorn digs it’s front left or right hoof into the ground.

The unicorn that hangs around my sim’s place is this super cool black unicorn that seems like a bit of a prick–That’s funny because he’s a rude equine AND he has that horn between his eyes.–but the important part is that wherever dude goes, a rain shower follows him. The precipitation looks fabulous and as soon as I saw that…

The rain just looked so damn good!

I figure I have some really depressed animals or they’re all thinking about a potential storm.
