………………. US Release – October 18, 2011 ………………………………. UK Release – October 21, 2011
Want to display this on your site? Copy the code after the jump!
US Release Date Countdown Clock Embed Code
<embed type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”300″ height=”200″ src=”http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-cartoons/show.swf?clickURL=http://www.thesims3.com/pets&clickLABEL=MySpace-Countdowns&flashLABEL=&skin=http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6197/6146593141_cace4b9625_o.png&text=Pets%20US%20release%21&untilColor=16777215&textColor=128&datesColor=128&year=2011&month=9&day=18&hour=0&minute=0&second=0&x=6&y=77″ quality=”high” bgcolor=”#ffffff” name=”countdown” wmode=”transparent” pluginspage=”http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer” align=”middle”></embed>
UK Release Date Countdown Clock Embed Code
<embed type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”300″ height=”200″ src=”http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-cartoons/show.swf?clickURL=http://www.thesims3.com/pets&clickLABEL=MySpace-Countdowns&flashLABEL=&skin=http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6197/6146593141_cace4b9625_o.png&text=Pets%20UK%20release%21&untilColor=16777215&textColor=128&datesColor=128&year=2011&month=9&day=21&hour=0&minute=0&second=0&x=6&y=77″ quality=”high” bgcolor=”#ffffff” name=”countdown” wmode=”transparent” pluginspage=”http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer” align=”middle”></embed>
how do i use these? π xx
thanks π
1 month π Can’t wait!!!
Yay! Cant wait for this
why isn’t there pets info page?
there is a link for it if you click on the bottom of the countdown clock. I just removed the text cause it looked too cluttered.
Yay!!! O(^o^)O Thanks for the countdown clock π
I was waiting so long to see this countdown clock again. Thanks! ^_^
I don’t know why but the demo of Mac is on GameTree, the Origin on PC have no big bug like GameTree … We can’r create Horses (I was want the demo for horses) … And there’s many lags and the pets are moving like robots. I know you was have give the information at SimCookie for the game can you help if you know how to create horses on Mac (sorry for my bad English I am French I do my best). π
gonna be epic
Two weeks, gurls!
Less than a weeeeeeek.
not long now
No that would be on friday
Has anyone’s shipment been sent out yet?
This video with the producers says that it will be out on Oct 21 not Oct 18, what’s up with that? have they changed the date or is the video wrong?
But some people get their orders early on like Thursday and Friday.
I’ll most likely get it on monday and it will ship this friday. I always get expansions early cause of preordering.
Well the 21st is when everyone can get it. US is still the 18th.
Guys let us kno if you get yout copies! I can’t wait *shakes*
the longest three days of my life π
only takes 3 days, yes
Is the UK countdown acurate? Because in 5 day’s it’s gonna be Thursday, not Friday.
Just 1 MORE DAY (or 2 or 4)
where the timer currently is at the time of my reply, it’s currently five and a half days for the UK. Once the counter is at 5 days and 0 hours, then it will be 5 days for the UK. π
Luckily for me, the GameStop where I pre-ordered my copy of Pets for PC is having a midnight launch event for Batman Arkham City and I can pick up my game at Midnight on Tuesday! Win freakin’ win! hehehe
6 hours π
maybe somebody have ?:)
3 hrs left! YAY!!!!!
Less than an hour!
11 hours
it’s already out!!! Woot!
I’ll be receiving mine tomorrow! its just a couple of minutes away from me right now π
Woo! 3 more days -_- I wish I was in America… Stupid England.
3 more minites 8 seconds for england