It is worth mentioning that EA have been working with a new technology called sub-surface scattering, which gives your sims a more realistic look. They will now have a rosy glow under their cheeks and the eyes will look more life-like. Every texture in the game has been hand painted as EA wanted to give a more ‘painterly’ quality to the game, bringing a rustic feeling. There will be a broad dynamic range which will make sunlit areas appear much brighter, and shadowy areas appear very dark to give a realistic feeling. Simlish speech has been re-worked and voice actors have re-recorded the sounds to make them appear more medieval. Rachel Bernstein said that although it is not set in stone, EA recognise that bringing The Sims Medieval to console would be a terrific fit, so they’re not ruling it out.
I can’t wait until this game comes out. I’m tired of hearing about it. I wish they’d start promoting the next Sims 3 EP instead. The more I hear about this game, the more I hate it.
I totally agree with ShortyBoo. I can’t wait until this mess of a game is out and we don’t have to hear about it anymore. I’ve never had an interest in it and I’ll be glad when I don’t have to hear anything more about it.