I’m a bit late on starting it this year, but from the “staff” of Simprograms, Happy Holidays! Note: to view videos of other days click “more”, also, videos for each day will be posted the night before. Please (for fun) guess which characters are in each video.
Dec 15th:
Dec 14th:
Dec. 13th:
Dec. 12th: (kinda late for Hanukkah, but I’ll post it anyways)
I keep getting “Error #2046” 😕
what’s the Hanukah????
I have no idea why, it’s working on my PC
*facepalm* LOL, thanks Luke! Been so busy with the house I’ve been lacking with the site updates. Got so much more to do!
Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday celebrated for 8 days during early December.
It’s fine, also, why was the post de-stickied, I’m gonna try to do one post each day.
I’m not sure, I haven’t touched it so it should still be stickied.
never mind, I probably forgot to make it a sticky post
whoops lol
Too hilarious! Bravo!
Happy Holidays to everybody!
This is soooooo coooooo I like that wooow
I want to know when a release date for sims 3 outdoor living stuff I very much to play her and Merry Christmas in all