I’d never imagine Maxis working on a ‘dark’ game. While it’s not a shock for many of us who’ve been following DarkSpore since day 1, the casual gamer who sees this on a shelf may utter WTF. That is, if they remember the company behind SimCity and The Sims in the first place 😛
It is pretty cool, though!
Will Wright needs to return – take The Sims back to the Maxis studio, EA have ruined it and to be honest… the spin offs suck, ea area draining the sims and maxis products, simcity now sucks, simcity 4 ftw… darkspore… ok it finally has the maxis logo, but this isnt the company that it was!
Pretty cool! Btw your one of my sources (look http://www.sporehrdinove.ic.cz)
Sorry I have one question !!
DarkSpore is there anything with spore I mean is that EP ?!!
Thanks =)
DarkSpore is an independent game – nothing to do with Spore 🙂 As for Spore, the game is dead in the water for the time being. Who knows if they decide to do anything with it though.