It’s just about time to go back to school for many in the United States.  Heck, where I live school started yesterday.  I’m sure there are a number of students hitting the classrooms with their new netbook which they plan to study.  Study, yeah right.  I know you’re going to wind up putting games on them – and that’s okay.  RipTen wrote an article that you may want to read about the various games that work on these compact mini-laptops.  One of them is the original Sims game.

Everyone has a tale to tell of the time they killed a character in The Sims. The only thing more fun than removing the ladder from the swimming pool is doing it while you’re sitting by a real swimming pool on your holiday. Although the visuals aren’t exactly beautiful any more, the game is certainly still playable, and it’s also a lot of fun to play with mates or family. Everyone loves the Sims, and it might be just the thing to get your companions on holiday with you convinced that you’re a genius for bringing a gaming netbook with you.

RipTen – Top 10 Games to play on your Netbook

Thanks to InfiniteSims for the scoop.