It’s to nobody’s surprise that I’m a Ghostbusters fan….I’ve covered a few articles on the game and shared some favorite quotes/moments from the movie.  Well, for the past 2 months during my spare time I’ve been building a proton pack from Ghostbusters: The Video Game.  This past weekend was the first time I donned the pack as there was a small con in town where everyone was able to dress up as their favorite comic book/movie/anime character for a few days and geek out.  I was there supporting the Alabama Ghostbusters, and needless to say we were pretty much the stars (Well, technically the biggest group) of the event!  There were about 10 Ghostbusters there, so no pesky poltergeist spoiled our fun!

Here are a few images of the pack, as well as a short skit I participated in (that in which my sister, who was Slimer, took Best in Show in the costume contest) as well as another ALGB member.

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(P.S. – yes, that is me with a major wedgie in one of the above pics)