EA has officially announced The Sims Medieval, a seperate spinoff game taking the Sims to various times and location. You can check the boxart, images, logo and press release below!
The Sims Medieval Provides a Fresh Setting, Innovative Gameplay, and All-New Features Unlike Anything Ever Seen within the Franchise
REDWOOD CITY, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Go back in time and get medieval! The EA Play Label of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) today announced The Sims™ Medieval, a new series currently in development that places the popular Sims™ characters from The Sims™ game into the Middle Ages and brings players robust, compelling gameplay never seen before in the history of The Sims. For the first time, players can create heroes, venture on quests, build and control a kingdom, and play every Hero Sim™ character in the land. Creativity will soar as players tell stories like never before full of drama, romance, conflict, and comedy.
“The Middle Ages is a time of intrigue, legend, and excitement. It offers a perfect backdrop for a brand new series from The Sims studio due to the limitless stories that can be told,” said Scott Evans, General Manager of The Sims Studio at EA. “The Sims Medieval offers a new way for players to experience The Sims which we hope fans will enjoy, and it features gameplay that fans of strategy and role-playing games will find appealing such as controlling an entire kingdom and quest-based gameplay mechanics.”
The Sims Medieval offers players a chance to build up a medieval kingdom, controlling characters from all walks of life, from Kings and Queens, to Knights and Wizards, Blacksmiths and Bards. It provides a host of storytelling possibilities in the form of quests, from crafting a legendary sword to arranging a royal wedding, to protecting the kingdom from an evil sorcerer, to finding the fountain of youth. Every quest plays out differently depending on which Hero Sim the player is controlling.
The destiny of the kingdom rests in the players’ hands. Will players build up their kingdom through internal expansion, or perhaps look for a more imperial type of domination, expanding their rule by conquering territories? Will they take on quests in pursuit of fame, or focus on the health and wellbeing of their people? The choice is theirs! With the start of every new game, players will be able to select a new ambition for their kingdom, and embark on a new set of stories.
Everything in The Sims Medieval is crafted to create an immersive medieval world, from the quest-based gameplay, to the medieval objects such as swords and stocks and thrones, right down to the warm look of the characters, and the painterly approach to the world itself. Players can choose to customize every new Hero that comes to the kingdom, including selecting their traits and their fatal flaw. Players get close to their characters, not only sending them on epic quests, but also making sure they carry out their daily responsibilities such as healing the sick, trading for exotic goods, or forging armor. From having a baby to competing in a royal tournament, what happens to their Sims is up to the player. The time of romance and chivalry is back with The Sims Medieval.
Developed by The Sims Studio, The Sims Medieval for PC/Mac will be available in spring 2011 and has not yet been rated by the ESRB. To download artwork, please visit www.info.ea.com. For more information about The Sims Medieval please visit www.info.ea.com or the official website at www.TheSimsMedieval.com.
This looks interesting, but I don’t think it’s remotely what the current Sims communtiy wants. They are obviously targetting other RPG or even MMORPG players. It’d probably be worth a try, but I don’t think I’ll be getting it.
I do have to admit the castle and landscaping looks great, why can’t we do that in The Sims 3? 🙁
I think this is just awesome! The creativity and sandbox stlye of the sims is not just building, it’s about creating your own story which this game just does!! I cannot wait for this. Only sad thing is that I’d of loved this to be tied into the full game like World Adventures was.
Cannot wait, my pockets are going to be empty over the next six months!!
This will be a good game that I would definitely buy if it’s not dumbed down and turned into a kiddy game with no blood and hardly any violence. Violence such as sword fighting, jousting and arena battle are part of Medieval culture.
It’ll be good to see how EA executes this.
As long as this game is a sandbox-style of playing, I think I would enjoy it. If it’s more of an MMORPG-style, I won’t waste my money on it. That was the main reason why I didn’t like World Adventures. It was too adventure-based. I bought it, went on a couple short vacations, got bored and stopped playing it. I cancel all wishes and opportunities my Sims get to travel now. It just doesn’t interest me.
I wish EA would stop trying to make The Sims an RPG. It’s not what Simmers want. I like my “virtual dollhouse” game and don’t appreciate having rules and strict goals placed on me to restrict what I can/can’t do.
This really looks like an RPG, not a Sims game. I’m just not interested at all.
Maybe it’s just me, but the Sims faces don’t look as pudding-y as Sims 3 sims do. The brow region is more complex and varies from Sim to Sim.
lmfao, this looks VERY mmorpg like. Although, it might not be so bad.
This is The Guild 2 game through and through. I like it though. I was always hoping for a supernatural sims 2 story game so Maybe we shall get it this way
This looks really cool looking but I wish EA would stop all this quest nonsense, it was fine in WA and offered a different type of gameplay but it’s getting to be too much. The Sims is a sandbox game, most players like it that way and EA is not attracting “hardcore RPGers” if that is what they are trying to do….
Well I am interested to see how they will implement RPG factors into The Sims world with this game.
Remember this is apart from The Sims series, not an expansion.
I look forward to see how the creative developers of the game were able to transform into The Sims Medieval.
I know a lot of people are a bit annoyed that it’s an RPG-type game, but I think I’ll like it. In Sims 2 and Sims 3, the base games, I really don’t like for the expansions to be so quest-based and RPS-like, but for a standalone, I think it’s perfectly fine. I LOVED Sims 2 Castaway, which was based on getting off the island by following quests, and I liked the Life Stories games as well. I think that it’s going in a bit of a new direction, but I think I’ll like it. The only thing that I’m concerned about is that, while I don’t have a problem with EA taking a direction towards standalone RPG-like games, I’d like for TS3 patches, tools, SP’s and EP’s to be the priority, and the last few expansions really did kind of focus on quests and stuff. I hope that they keep the RPG elements in the STANDALONES, and not drag them into the TS3 EP’s.
*quest-based and RPG-like
uch as this interests me, I prefer the era of Rome and Egypt (Caesar Augustus’ time period)
The new concept of this game sounds interesting to people who are fascinated with medieval, but for me, no. I just don’t play Sim Stories, except expansions.
Am I (and a handful of others) the only people who LOVE the new direction this game is going? World Adventures was awesome imo!
I dunno why you’re comparing this to World Adventures. To me, it’s not a new direction the game is going in, it’s a completely different game. People don’t seem to understand that this isn’t supposed to be like the Sims 3, that’s why they’re doing something completely different. The Midieval time period doesn’t appeal to me, but it’s an interesting type of game. We’ve already got a plain old simulation, it’s called the Sims 3. So why not try something different?
Believe me, I am CRAZY about everything medieval – but an RPG is the last thing I want. I’ll still play it out of principle, perhaps even grow to like it (and the graphical look of it looks promising, to be honest) but for me, it won’t be the Ideal Medieval Sims Game I’ve always been wishing for. I truly hope there’ll be something left of the sandbox, because that’s what I love most about the Sims series. For me, it’s not about *storytelling* – it’s about *world building* and then optionally *storytelling* about that world you’ve created.
To be perfectly honest though… that boxart looks really sexy. (Not sure they look like Sims anymore though.)
Well I must say, the logo and the boxart are really fantastic! The photos looks very good! I will definitely be buying this no matter what! It’s a Sims game, I have to lol! But I will be VERY pissed if this is an MMORPG type game with very little freedom and creativity! Also, is the building feature still not included, because if not I’ll be very mad! We’ll just have to wait and see!
I don’t know why, but this reminds me of Shrek, especially the box art.
hey…guys…stop being negative nancy’s! goodness gracious! who the hell cares if its an RPG or something? if you dont like it, then you dont have to tell the world you’re not going to buy it. some people (like me) happen to like medieval stuff because of the rich culture back then. Hello! Shakespeare! The most famous writer SINCE that time. What makes this game any different than the Sims Life Stories or Pets or Castaway? You had to do quest-type things to finish the game, but instead of just two people you get about ten to choose from. I apologize for ranting on about this, but I just get so frustrated when EA tries to do something spectacular and then people just go whine and complain about it. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT…then dont buy it. plain and simple…
NO build mode!! Ehh, TSM, you went from a 5 star game right down to a 3 star game! It’s said that you ripped a very important part of The Sims right out!
Eh, it LOOKS like a decent sims game. What bothers me is the no build mode, and what kind of features it might not have. Will this have an open world, or will it be a castle that has shops in it? The sims look very much like the sims we already have, so CAS is probably the same. I don’t know, i’ll have to hear more about it when it is released before i decide if I want to try it out.
Wow, this is very cool. I don’t mind RPG for a game like this as long as we get a sandbox option. It does say that babies and marriages are in it, so that is cool. And romance! Yay, I get to play my own medieval soap opera. I can only imagine how cheating in this game will result. Perhaps that’s why that guy in the screen shot is going to get the ax?
I agree with @drake and @frankie! Maybe htey’ll add creatures! Like mythological creatures such as dragons and Trolls? It would fit well and be really cool! 😀 But the no build mode is a giant turn-off! Yup, I hope for an open sandbox option too!
Actually, I don’t want this just to be s standalone game, but an expandable standalone game. Each EP can add new game play and themes within the medieval realm and can include creatures. Dragons, trolls, fairies (or is it faeries?), mermaids/sirens, and many others. This is exciting and I don’t even play medieval games normally, but this sounds like a great exception.
Wonder if you’ll be able to follow your sims inside the castle or if it will be a big rabbit hole?
@frankie EP’s for it are possible. But TSM is part of a whole series by itself! they are going to add other games that will take place it different times! Can’t wait! 😀
and @Chris I’m sure it’s not a rabbit hole! Really hope it’s not! lol
Well, then they better jam pack this game since it’s the only one. 🙂
. I enjoy an occasional quest/opportunity, but not at the rate and amount EA is adding them. EA seems to be taking a longer and longer detour into RPG-land away from Sims-land. If this new series becomes the depot for RPG elements (satisfying EA’s desire for Sims-RPG), so that EA can spare the main series from RPG overload, I certainly approve!
@funnykid, genius speaking! That is a great way to put it! I’d much rather them pull their opportunity driven gameplay in a separate standalone game, rather than it be in the sims. Great choice of words!
We’re not remotely interested in this. We never play the quest bits in The SIms 3 or expansions as we find them annoying. Still if this keeps the Sims main game as more of a simulation then all the better.