I had the same reaction, Alex. Same as last time. A *slightly* doctored screen cap from the trailer. Not very ‘exclusive’. I guess their graphics team is on holiday. 😛
1. it is the a pic from the trailer
2. the servo’s will no doubt look like that, it is yet to be discovered if there are more coverings of the servo
3. slightly doctored enough to not completely look a like to the a trailer screen
4. you don’t need a graphics team, just someone to take screens within the game
5. probably the graphics team aren’t on holiday, the testers are
6. probably EA hasn’t let anyone play the game yet, so when they release it, there’s enough bugs for people to go online and download them patches
1. it is a pic from the trailer
2. the servo’s will no doubt look like that, it is yet to be discovered if there are more coverings of the servo
3. slightly doctored enough to not completely look a like to the a trailer screen
4. you don’t need a graphics team, just someone to take screens within the game
5. probably the graphics team aren’t on holiday, the testers are
6. probably EA hasn’t let anyone play the game yet, so when they release it, there’s enough bugs for people to go online and download them patches
It shares the *same* celebration animation at the explosion as the inventor has. I think that’s a pretty big give-away that it’s a servo and not *just* a random robot.
Keep in mind the Sims 3 is set BEFORE the Sims 1 and 2.
It’s likely it’s a Servo, and it doesn’t look as good because the technology isn’t as advanced. It’s also most likely put together from scraps from the junkyard. Maybe that’s how they do it – cheap parts = bad robot. Good, more rare parts = Good robot.
If it isn’t a sim it’s a creator, or a creator’s mum. 😛
Cool! Thanks Luke!
Why are so many of these just slightly doctored screen caps from the trailer? Are they really *that* short staffed?
Think you should change ‘FB’ to ‘Facebook’ looks horrid like that (your not on msn now ^^)
I’m not trying to pick here, but isn’t that just a screenshot from the trailer?
Forgive me if I’m wrong though
I had the same reaction, Alex. Same as last time. A *slightly* doctored screen cap from the trailer. Not very ‘exclusive’. I guess their graphics team is on holiday. 😛
It could be but the official Sims 3 Facebook Page posted it, here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4372078&id=35298715078
Cool, I think that robot will be the new servo
Wonder who the old guy is in the picture, he doesn’t look like a sim
it’s cool that there’ll be servos in all 3 games 🙂
If you look on the workshop, there’s a photo of the inventor. I think this gives a nod to being assigned a workshop bench.
@Alex it is a shot from the trailer 🙂
1. it is the a pic from the trailer
2. the servo’s will no doubt look like that, it is yet to be discovered if there are more coverings of the servo
3. slightly doctored enough to not completely look a like to the a trailer screen
4. you don’t need a graphics team, just someone to take screens within the game
5. probably the graphics team aren’t on holiday, the testers are
6. probably EA hasn’t let anyone play the game yet, so when they release it, there’s enough bugs for people to go online and download them patches
1. it is a pic from the trailer
2. the servo’s will no doubt look like that, it is yet to be discovered if there are more coverings of the servo
3. slightly doctored enough to not completely look a like to the a trailer screen
4. you don’t need a graphics team, just someone to take screens within the game
5. probably the graphics team aren’t on holiday, the testers are
6. probably EA hasn’t let anyone play the game yet, so when they release it, there’s enough bugs for people to go online and download them patches
that robot looks like that my sims guy http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/mysims/images/thumb/5/51/TOBOR.jpg/200px-TOBOR.jpg
How does anyone know that’s a servo? It’s just a robot.
It shares the *same* celebration animation at the explosion as the inventor has. I think that’s a pretty big give-away that it’s a servo and not *just* a random robot.
Keep in mind the Sims 3 is set BEFORE the Sims 1 and 2.
It’s likely it’s a Servo, and it doesn’t look as good because the technology isn’t as advanced. It’s also most likely put together from scraps from the junkyard. Maybe that’s how they do it – cheap parts = bad robot. Good, more rare parts = Good robot.
If it isn’t a sim it’s a creator, or a creator’s mum. 😛