Where did this weekend go? I hate when this happens, get off of work on Friday, turn around and all of a sudden it’s Sunday night and you’re looking at another 5 full days of work ahead. Sigh…

Let’s see what the poll results are for last week, shall we?

What are your thoughts on the fact that The Sims 3 Ambitions will not open current workplace rabbit holes?

  • I’m fine with it (59%, 144 Votes)
  • Mad as heck (41%, 99 Votes)

Total Voters: 243

Can’t say I blame you for being upset for the rabbit holes. Personally, I don’t mind them, but some of you would like to have every single location on your map playable, and you have the right to that opinion. Hopefully with each expansion they’ll consider unlocking them. Or at least give us the ability to duplicate the lots and make them open up for ourselves.

This week’s poll questions you on the direction of The Sims 3 series. Do you think it’s going the right way in terms of mission-based objectives?