It saddens me having to report that long-time Maxis employee and friend Caryl Shaw has moved on from EA. Caryl has always been one of my most favorite people to deal with and was always kind and took a moment to listen when I had to contact her for various reasons (although I tried my best to not bug her much because I make it a high priority not to contact unless I have something absolutely important to bring). Not only that, but in person she is an entertaining and very outstanding speaker.
If your a long time Maxis fan, then you may remember her as MaxisLucky. I first met her over at the official Sims 1 forums (actually, many of us did). She helped with the management of the official site, as well as launching The Sims 2 website when the hit sequel was released. Her list of games include The Sims SuperStar, Makin’ Magic, SimCity 4 Rush Hour, The Urbz, The Sims 2 (and up to Open for Business if I recall correctly) then onto Spore (Senior Producer and manager of the Web Development Team)
She will still be with us in the game industry though, so not all is lost! We can now follow her progress with ngmoco, a developer for the iPhone and iPod Touch. I can’t wait to see what her first project will be! Best of luck with your new job, Caryl. Readers, if you remember her from past games or would just like to share your farewell wishes, please leave them in the comments. She may end up reading this 😉
Good luck at your new job, Ms. Shaw. I still remember meeting you at E3 2006 at the Spore booth — you let a few of us get in there and create some creatures. Best of luck to you!
Thanks you guys! You have been a great community to work with – the best really. I’ve had a great time meeting many of you and look forward to making some new cool games at ngmoco for you to play with!
Caryl, you’ve been so important to the community and thanks again for sorting out my Spore account. I’m going to write my testominal of you over at now
It’s a shame when things like this happen, but at least she’s found her way to somewhere else. And working for the people who are making GodFinger is pretty great to be honest since that game is getting quite a bit of hype. So good luck to her 🙂
Does Caryl have twitter or anything so we can follow her in future?
^ Got it
Ahh man, she’s one of my favorite there at EA! Well, atleast she’s moving to another company that is known to create great mobile games! GodFinger and We Rule are 2 new ones coming out soon that kind of remind me of The Sims! 😀 We’ll miss ya!