Spore Creatures, the sequel to Spore Origins will soon make its appearance on the iPhone either in January or February of next year. The game takes place right after Origin with your creature stepping forth onto land allowing you to continue evolution. Jeff Scott from 148 Apps was invited to EA to check out the status of the game and brings back his report:
More creature customization options. Lots more. I’ve been told there are well over a billion different possibilities from the dozens of creature parts, colors, and abilities that you can add.
Included in the game itself are 4 different and distinct game play zones. Each zone has 5 different levels to travel through while evolving your little Spore.
The one thing that is really different with the game play over the previous Spore game is that ability to either fight or socialize. This can change the way the game progresses and how your creature evolves.
In other news, I’m also pleased to know that a new Simpsons game will be made available for the iPhone. Good times to be had indeed, can’t wait!